This essay was originally written for a class at Sharon Mennonite Bible Institute. After keeping it for several months, I decided it to polish and share it.
"Let me go! Just let me go and I'll never do it again, I promise!" I wailed. But the man had an iron grip on my elbow and only pushed me along faster as I tried to break free. He was marching me to certain judgment from this Galilean rabbi, and I knew that by the law of Moses I was condemned to death by stoning. I'd heard that this rabbi had forgiven others of their sins, but He was also righteous. Surely, His mercy wouldn't quite reach to cover my sins.
It was just this morning that anyone seemed to care about my behavior. Before, I was just another woman who slipped out and found intimacy in the arms of a man who was not my husband. Now, the religious leaders were trying to entrap this Jesus in His teachings, and I was merely a casualty to their agenda. Somehow, the man I'd been with seemed to be of no interest to them; as he was nowhere to be seen.
Arriving at the temple, my captor shoved me into the middle of the crowd, and began loudly proclaiming to Jesus the sin I'd been caught in. Certain of condemnation and subsequent death, I hung my head in shame. I heard the man who had drug me here finish the account of my adultery and remind the Rabbi of Moses' law that commanded I be stoned.
I couldn't believe my eyes! Jesus' finger was at my feet, writing in the dust! What on earth was this all about? He completely ignored the accusations against me, as if they weren't even being spoken. Keeping His eyes on the ground, He wasn't even looking down on me in condemnation. The crowd of religious leaders grew livid at His disregard of them and demanded again that I be condemned.
Finally, He stood up and looked around. My heart sank. Surely now would come the death sentence I knew I deserved. He spoke, "All right, hurl the stones at her until she dies. But only he who never sinned may throw the first!" (John 8:7 TLB). Bracing myself, I waited for the first stone to come flying.
It never came. The only thing I heard was the quiet footsteps of one man after another slinking away as Jesus continued His writing in the dirt. Each of the self-righteous religious leaders knew they had no right to cast that first stone at me. Guilty, and condemned by their own consciences, they slipped away one by one until none were left to condemn me.
When no one was left but Jesus and I, He finally stood up and looked me in the eyes. I quaked in fear of what this one innocent Man might say or do, but the love and compassion I saw in His eyes immediately calmed my fears. He gently asked me, "Where are your accusers? Didn't even one of them condemn you?" (John 8:10 TLB).
"No, sir. They all left." I replied shyly.
"Well, neither do I condemn you. Go and live an innocent life free of sin." He said, smiling at me.
Wait, what?! No condemnation, when I was deserving of death? Confused, but grateful and free, I walked away to start my new life.
random joybits
Welcome to my world.
Monday, December 3, 2018
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Random Bits of Life {For Lack of a Better Title}
I think I made a resolution once to post more often. I really truly think I did. Well...looks like that was real successful, huh? So I guess maybe this is sort of a catch up post. Or something like that.
Work...I work part time at the meat market still, packaging and selling meat. And learning to tell the difference between a beef shoulder and a beef top round (before I started working there I had no clue that such a thing could matter!), and explaining what 'Irish Bacon' is (bacon that comes from a pork boneless butt roast, leaner than regular bacon but fattier than Canadian). The other part of my time I spend being the assistant teacher in the 1st to 4th grade room at my church's school. I teach 2nd grade Reading, Language Arts, and Math; as well as 3rd grade Math. I really enjoy it, sometimes I'm not sure who's teaching whom though!
Life outside of mean to tell me there is such a thing?! Well, let's see; I'm in a chorus this spring, through a church close to here. I'm really enjoying that, learning some new songs in the process which is great! Beyond that, life is pretty much filled with church, youth group, and family life. And the little gaps left over? Those get filled in with little hobbies, current chief of which is reading:).
What's your life been full of recently?
Work...I work part time at the meat market still, packaging and selling meat. And learning to tell the difference between a beef shoulder and a beef top round (before I started working there I had no clue that such a thing could matter!), and explaining what 'Irish Bacon' is (bacon that comes from a pork boneless butt roast, leaner than regular bacon but fattier than Canadian). The other part of my time I spend being the assistant teacher in the 1st to 4th grade room at my church's school. I teach 2nd grade Reading, Language Arts, and Math; as well as 3rd grade Math. I really enjoy it, sometimes I'm not sure who's teaching whom though!
Life outside of mean to tell me there is such a thing?! Well, let's see; I'm in a chorus this spring, through a church close to here. I'm really enjoying that, learning some new songs in the process which is great! Beyond that, life is pretty much filled with church, youth group, and family life. And the little gaps left over? Those get filled in with little hobbies, current chief of which is reading:).
What's your life been full of recently?
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Personally, I hate regret. That dude who likes to pop around every corner, just when you think you've "gotten over it". Throws in your face every mistake you've made. Tries to drag you down every time you start to climb.
But regret is something I've been thinking about lately. Something I've been trying to "figure out", maybe. What, really, is regret? How are you supposed to get rid of him when he shows up to try and ruin your life a little more?
What do you think? [I'll post what I think later, after I've heard some other opinions:)]
Sunday, August 3, 2014
A Giveaway To Check Out!
So... I have this friend.... and her name is Andrea.
Well, Andrea happens to be a really great photographer!
AAANNNDDD she's having a giveaway for the next couple of weeks!!
Be sure to hop over to her blog and check it out!
(Pssst. you don't wanna miss it!)
Well, Andrea happens to be a really great photographer!
AAANNNDDD she's having a giveaway for the next couple of weeks!!
Be sure to hop over to her blog and check it out!
(Pssst. you don't wanna miss it!)
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Of Vacation and Valentine's
Of Vacation... I was in California for three weeks, visiting my adorable nephew and niece (and my brother and sister-in-law). Three weeks of nice warm (to me) weather, adorable kiddos, and catching up with old was great! Coming back home and getting met with a foot or so of snow wasn't quite as fun, though it was/is good to be home.
Of Valentine's... No, not that I had any valentines...just talking about Valentine's Day here, folks;). My parents were in charge of a Sweetheart Banquet on the day, so I got to stay home (part of the day) and take care of these kids [I guess you could call them my valentines:)]
Of Valentine's... No, not that I had any valentines...just talking about Valentine's Day here, folks;). My parents were in charge of a Sweetheart Banquet on the day, so I got to stay home (part of the day) and take care of these kids [I guess you could call them my valentines:)]
![]() |
Two lil' girlies |
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
'Tis the Night Before Christmas
'Tis the night before Christmas, and now in the house
There's a creature stirring, though not a mouse.
Santa's coal came already, we're burning it now
(Oh please don't tell me we've all been that bad!)
The parents are all snug in their bed,
As visions of grandchildren dance through their heads.
And Jered, after bookwork, has settled his brain for the night,
While I at the computer am writing this post.
All day there has been much snow a-fallin',
So dreams of white Christmas are soon to come true.
It covers the lawn, sparkling like diamonds,
Reflecting the gentle glow of the moon.
I'm now getting tired, so I shall bid you good-night,
May your Christmas be happy and light,
Your New Year joyful and bright,
Always following the great Prince of Peace.
This finishes my thoughts
But how shall I stop?
For what you begin, it's not always easy to end.
Good-night one, Good-night all,
And Merry Christmas, y'all!
Sunday, December 1, 2013
I know, I know. It's been forever since I posted...well, I have a good reason--life was busy!
November was good, busy (like I already said), fun, and...pretty normal! My favorite parts were definitely cuddling my sweet little nephew...going to Virginia in the first part of the for Thanksgiving...and to top it all off, a donut party [with super fun people and lively games of scum:)] on the last night of the month! the winter disliker (I won't quite say hater) that I am...I can't say I'm so thrilled about the cold and snow and ice and...slippery roads.
By the way, do any of you know the song "Written In Red?" It's one of my favorites right now...especially the chorus. So beautiful! Here's the lyrics, in case you don't know it [or do know it but just wanna read them again:)]
November was good, busy (like I already said), fun, and...pretty normal! My favorite parts were definitely cuddling my sweet little nephew...going to Virginia in the first part of the for Thanksgiving...and to top it all off, a donut party [with super fun people and lively games of scum:)] on the last night of the month! the winter disliker (I won't quite say hater) that I am...I can't say I'm so thrilled about the cold and snow and ice and...slippery roads.
By the way, do any of you know the song "Written In Red?" It's one of my favorites right now...especially the chorus. So beautiful! Here's the lyrics, in case you don't know it [or do know it but just wanna read them again:)]
Verse 1
In letters of crimson, God wrote His love
On the hillside so long, long ago;
For you and for me Jesus died,
And love's greatest story was told.
[Chorus 1]
I love you, I love you
That's what Calvary said;
I love you, I love you,
I love you, Written in Red
Verse 2
Down through the ages, God wrote His love
With the same hands that suffered and bled;
Giving all that He had to give,
A message so easily read.
[Chorus 2]
I love you, I love you,
That's what Calvary said;
I love you, I love you,
I love you.....
Oh, precious is the flow, that makes me white as snow;
No other fount I know, nothing but the blood,
The blood of Jesus.
[Chorus 1]
In letters of crimson, God wrote His love
On the hillside so long, long ago;
For you and for me Jesus died,
And love's greatest story was told.
[Chorus 1]
I love you, I love you
That's what Calvary said;
I love you, I love you,
I love you, Written in Red
Verse 2
Down through the ages, God wrote His love
With the same hands that suffered and bled;
Giving all that He had to give,
A message so easily read.
[Chorus 2]
I love you, I love you,
That's what Calvary said;
I love you, I love you,
I love you.....
Oh, precious is the flow, that makes me white as snow;
No other fount I know, nothing but the blood,
The blood of Jesus.
[Chorus 1]
-Gordon Jensen
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