Sunday, September 21, 2014


   Regret.  Ugh.
   Personally, I hate regret.  That dude who likes to pop around every corner, just when you think you've "gotten over it".  Throws in your face every mistake you've made.  Tries to drag you down every time you start to climb.
   But regret is something I've been thinking about lately.  Something I've been trying to "figure out", maybe.  What, really, is regret?  How are you supposed to get rid of him when he shows up to try and ruin your life a little more?  

What do you think?  [I'll post what I think later, after I've heard some other opinions:)]

Sunday, August 3, 2014

A Giveaway To Check Out!

So... I have this friend.... and her name is Andrea.
Well, Andrea happens to be a really great photographer!
AAANNNDDD she's having a giveaway for the next couple of weeks!!
  Be sure to hop over to her blog and check it out! 
 (Pssst. you don't wanna miss it!)

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Of Vacation and Valentine's

Of Vacation...  I was in California for three weeks, visiting my adorable nephew and niece (and my brother and sister-in-law).  Three weeks of nice warm (to me) weather, adorable kiddos, and catching up with old was great!  Coming back home and getting met with a foot or so of snow wasn't quite as fun, though it was/is good to be home.

Of Valentine's...  No, not that I had any valentines...just talking about Valentine's Day here, folks;).  My parents were in charge of a Sweetheart Banquet on the day, so I got to stay home (part of the day) and take care of these kids [I guess you could call them my valentines:)] 
Two lil' girlies